Amy De Friese » Ms. De Friese

Ms. De Friese

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year! 

This is my 17th year in education, my 14th year teaching in the PYLUSD, and my seventh school site (formerly EHS, YLHS, VHS, Parkview, Kraemer MS, and Bernardo MS). Additionally, I attended kindergarten through 12th grade in the PYLUSD. Go Honeybees! Go Matadors! Go Aztecs! I specialize in the performing arts and language arts as I want to help students cultivate the skills necessary to actively engage in the world with agency, compassion, and creativity as lifelong learners. 
For fun, I enjoy cooking and sketchnoting, digitally and with pens. My graphic designs are featured in multiple education books. I have been a guest on the Doodle and Chat show with hosts Carrie Baughcum and Dr. Mandi Tolen on #DoodleAndChat with Friends and most recently, #DoodleAndChat LEARNS: Blackout Poetry
The Routledge Handbook of Media Education Futures Post-Pandemic: "The Story Seeds Podcast: A U.S. Case Study of Creativity in the Classroom through Podcasts from the Producer's and Teacher's Perspectives" by Sandhya Nankani and Amy De Friese (2022)
True Story: Lessons that One Kid Taught Us by Rachelle Dene Poth and friends (graphic contributor, 2020)
Unconventional: Ways to Thrive in EDU by Rachelle Dene Poth (graphic, sketchnote & lesson image contributor, 2019)
Educational Membership & Affiliations
  • Orange County CUE (Computer Using Educators)
  • Microsoft Flip Student Voice Ambassador
  • Wakelet Ambassador
  • Google Certified Educator
  • Adobe Creative Educator
  • Magic School Ai Certified 
  • Class Companion Certified Ai Expert
  • Brisk Ai Professional Certified