About Buena Vista Virtual Academy » K-5 Program FAQs

K-5 Program FAQs

K-5 FAQs 2023

What is Buena Vista Virtual Academy (K-5)?

BVVA is a K-12 school offering online and hybrid (online + on-site) options. Students receive online instruction from an expert online PYLUSD teacher for a portion of the day. The rest of the day will be spent completing online activities and independent work. Schedules vary by grade level. Hybrid (on-site) activities are weekly for the 2023-2024 school year.


Does my student need to attend in person?

No, students at BVVA will not need to participate in regular attendance at the school site. However, fun, interactive in-person activities and on-site study sessions are available for students who might benefit from in-person support. Each year students will attend an enrollment appointment as well as the required state testing.

Can my student return to traditional school mid-year?

Since BVVA is a school of PYLUSD, students may return to their school of residence, or school that they have choice transferred into, during the school year. Ideally, transfers back are planned to coincide with the end of grading periods, trimesters for elementary and semesters for high school. Students who leave the PYLUSD for private or charter schools will have to re-apply for choice transfers if they would like to return.

Where will the school be located?

The K-5 program will be hosted at 4999 Casa Loma, Yorba Linda, Ca., however students will not be required to attend on campus meetings.

How do I enroll my child?

See our Admissions page for information about the enrollment process.

Who assigns the grades?

Teachers at BVVA are experts in designing and delivering online instruction. This includes assessing students’ knowledge via online activities and projects. BVVA teachers assign marks for completed work using a PYLUSD report card.

What is the parent’s role at BVVA?

Unlike homeschooling, parents are not teachers at BVVA but they do have an important role in their student’s education. Parents should help their students’ create a quiet space for work as well as protecting time to complete their work. Parents are learning partners and help ensure students are on task and keeping up with their daily work. This assistance with time management is especially important for younger students. Most students require less parental support as they get older.

How long will it take my student to complete their BVVA work each day?

Students will meet with teachers in a virtual format for 60-120 minutes Monday through Thursday. Small groups, individual meetings, in-person activities, and office hours will be available on Fridays. In addition, students will complete online lessons at their own pace. Each student is unique and will work through their BVVA assignments at a different pace, however the following is a guideline of time expectations for students.

  • K: 3 Hours
  • 1-3: 3 to 4 Hours
  • 4-5: 4 Hours

Students on IEPs, 504s

Students with active IEPs must be placed at BVVA via the IEP team. The team must discuss and determine that online/independent learning is an appropriate setting for the student. Likewise, students on 504s should discuss their needs with their school counselor and 504 team to ensure BVVA would be an appropriate setting.

What if my student needs additional support?

BVVA teachers will have weekly open office hours. Students can attend these office hours in person or virtually to ask questions and get assistance with their assignments.

Will my student participate in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) activities?

STEAM activities and supplies will be included in a monthly pick-up materials. These materials and supplies will be available at a centrally located pick-up station at 4999 Casa Loma, Yorba Linda, Ca. Students are also encouraged to attend in-person STEAM events on Fridays. Another great option for STEAM enrichment is to sign up for the FREE, school sponsored after school "Dreams for Schools" enrichment classes offered.

If I choose to enroll at Buena Vista Virtual Academy, do I lose my home school spot or choice transfer agreement?

No. If you decide to participate in the PYLUSD online program, you will not lose your spot at your home school of residence or your school of choice if you are on a transfer agreement. However, if you dis-enroll with PYLUSD to attend another school in a district, you may lose your transfer agreement.

For more information, check the Admissions area of this website.